Empowering Preschool Education: A Successful Kick-off for Ready4School Project

In November, the Ready4School team gathered in Brno, Czechia, marking the kick-off of a project set to revolutionize preschool education for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The meeting was not just a start but a promising collaboration for a brighter future in inclusive education. The meeting kicked off with presentations, where each partner shared insights into their organizational backgrounds and experiences with Erasmus+ projects. 

From teacher training to supporting the autism community, the diversity of expertise brought a wealth of knowledge to the table. A significant part of the meeting was dedicated to a comprehensive review of the project, work packages and its detailed Gantt chart. This allowed the team to review the project’s timeline and milestones and fostered a common understanding of the project implementation process. 

Taking immediate actions to propel the project forward, the team delved into crucial project management tasks. Simultaneously, the partners collaborated on logo mock-ups, injecting a touch of team spirit into the project from the start. The democratic process of team voting ensured everyone’s voice was heard in selecting the visual identity for Ready4School. Navigating through administrative matters, the team addressed essential elements like timesheets and partner agreements. 

The emphasis on meticulous documentation highlighted the commitment to transparency and accountability, ensuring that the project’s progress is well-documented for future reports. The meeting wrapped up with a thoughtful discussion on refining the needs assessment process. This crucial step will guide the later development of work packages, ensuring that the educational kit meets the diverse needs of children with ASD. 

The Transnational Meeting in Brno was not just about discussions for tasks; it was a collective step towards turning challenges into opportunities. The Ready4School project, driven by passion and expertise, is now on its way to developing an innovative educational kit that will redefine how we approach early education for children with ASD, support their transition from preschool to primary education and promote inclusive education.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 2023-1-CZ01-KA220-SCH-000156079
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